Today i have been busy organising yesterday's Red Riding Hood Yarn's update and writing out labels, getting courier bags etc.
Here is some if it waiting to be packaged up
But amongst all that i received a courier package with yarn FOR ME!!!
Now since i started Red Riding Hood Yarns i haven't been buying any yarn for me and i have really missed it :( So i thought i would treat myself in the latest 100purewool co-op on a forum i am part of. I have bought from them before and just adore the softness of the yarn. You never know exactly how the colourways will turn out that so its a bit of a gamble. I should never have feared though as here is the two skeins on "Sahasen" fingering i bought
I also bought 3 more skeins of undyed worsted ply to dye up and make something for me too :) Its about time i made some stuff for myself and summer is ME time.
Fellow blogtoberfest participant here and a first timer to your blog. Hoping to get around to all blogs. Would love you to visit mine - I have just put up a giveaway post
you go girl for that ME time :) and the yarn of your enJoyment !
I adore your purple and blue yarn.... num num num!!!
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