Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Giveaway :)

Well i was too late to join in the sewmamasew bloggers giveaway day, but thought i would have one anyway :)

Up for grabs, some delicious 10ply Luxury hand dyed yarn inspired by Ron Weasley ( my new fictional crush ;) hehehe)

To enter, just leave me a comment telling me who YOUR fictional crush is ;)
I will draw the giveaway on Friday morning (17th) and will happily ship internationally :)

Merry Christmas!!!!!


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Dreaming Monet said...

i tend to get crushes on dead authors (or artists or composers), rather than characters. ;-) but i have a crush on everyone in virginia woolf's 'the waves.'

thanks for the chance to win that gorgeous yarn!!!!

Angela D. said...

Pretty yarn! Fictional crush would be Booth from the TV show Bones. Don't tell hubby though:)

LauraH said...

I love the yarn! My crush would be Steve McQueen!

Jenny said...

My fictional crush is Mr. Darcy *swoon* :) thanks for the chance to win such a great giveaway, love the yarn, looks yummy squishy soft!

okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com

Loree said...

Mine has to be Jack Bauer (24) !

What lovely yarn :)

Chiska said...

Robin hood. Sigh.

nz green buttons said...

Mr Darcy!

crazyestonian said...

Mine is more crush of an intellect than a body. I have always loved Nero Wolfe and also Hercule Poirot.

EVA SB said...

I alternate between crushes on Austen's heroes depending on which book I reread last.
My first was Mr Darcy but Mr Tilney and Mr Knightley also own a piece of my heart.[@]gmail[.]com

Aili said...

Fictional crush....Dickon, from The Secret Garden

Beth- the mama bee said...

fictional crush would be... when I was a kid I thought the guy that did the yankee work shop show on tv was pretty dreamy. He wore suspenders and a golfers cap. He was great with dove tail joints. Apparently, the show aired for years and they had several different guys fill the role over the years.


Jblanton said...

My fictional crush would be Robin Hood

Lori said...

Johnny from Dirty Dancing, hands down!!!! Love the yarn.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Darcy.

Melanie said...

Will Smith. Thanks for the chance.

Kylie Carlson said...

Currently I'm in love with Doctor Who, but I still crush on Spike from Buffy too. kcarlson1152[at]

Cricket said...

Ron Weasley is definitely crushworthy, but too young for me. I'd have to go with Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything. I suppose that Lloyd is the same age as Ron at the end, but we met when I was quite a bit younger, so we have aged together.

I would be thrilled to knit something up with that scrumptious yarn.

A family of boys said...

Oh dear, a fictional crush,eh? Well, I don't get too watch too many girlie movies here in our all boy household, but I think I could settle on Wolverine.

Thanks for the chance, the yarn is gorgeous!

Alli said...

Hehe, my whirlwind-romance crush is Kyle Reese from Terminator, but my marry-and-live-happily crush is BBC Mr. Darcy. Oh wait, or would it be Bridget Jones Mr. Darcy...? :D

Thanks for the giveaway!

kt said...

My fictional crush is Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. Thanks for the chance to win!

Knititall said...

Oooh, yarn... very pretty colors!
My fictional crush is Spike from Buffy. Sure he's a bit of a bad boy but he's hawt ;)

Bonnie O. said...

Pretty yarn!

Captain Jack from "These is my Words"

bonnie_crocker (at) yahoo (dot)

Consuelo said...

Not something I've thought about really but I love all of Austen's novels so probably Mr. Darcy. thanks for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Beautiful yarn! My fictional crush would be a tie between Jamie Fraiser in the Outlander Series or Eric in the True Blood series.

mellowpuff said...

Pretty yarn...

Have a soft spot for Mr Darcy... speaking of which, the series is such great holiday viewing! Time for another fix!

My Handmadehappiness said...

I would have to say booth from bones yummy!! love the yarn fab colour! :)

Patty said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Crush on any character that Tom Hanks plays in a movie including Woody in Toy Story. All time favorite is Sleepless in Seattle.

barneyn said...

my crush is Mr. Schuster fro mGlee! sigh he is dreamy!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

That would be Clark Gable....yes I'm old....grin.

Nancy Sue said...

My fictional crush was Jimmy Steward. Totally not my generation growing up, but who wouldn't swoon over George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life :)

Anita said...

Not very original, but Mr Darcy!
this is beautiful yarn!

Deb said...

Would love to win the luscious yarn. Hmm, I'm going to say Mr. Darcy.

mean green mom said...

I've always been sweet on Mr.T from the A-team...weird but true :)

Shawna said...

Only one fictional crush? Corlath of 'the Blue Sword'

Anne said...

What lovely yarn!! My latest fictional crush is Mr. Scheuster in Glee. I might have a problem... :)

Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

SisterlyLove said...

William Wallace as portrayed in The Scottish Chiefs. Be still my heart. :)
That yarn is BEAUTIFUL!!

Peach Rainbow said...

Super Man!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway :)

clementina said...

Every character by Jude Law.
Oh well, maybe that's not a fictional crush

Mands said...

I don't know that I have a fictional crush!...hhmm...when I was younger..the love interest in Man on the Moon...a movie with Reese Witherspoon.


Maroesja said...

I guess Puck from the books from Raymond Feist, I love those books!

Unknown said...

Hmmm...fictional crush? I thought Benjamin Button, (not the old version!) was cute, but of course I always think Brad Pitt is hot. :o)

please take a peek at my giveaway, if you get the chance..

Joanna said...

I don't know if it's too late but I'll try... My crush would have to be David Tennant's Doctor Who. joanna @

Anonymous said...

patrick jane- i love the beautiful yarn

adrienne said...

Ha, what a fun question! Um, Dr Who, as played by David Tennant?

Thanks for the giveaway!

Rachel Locke said...

I have a fictional crush on Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape

Jeannie D said...

Fictional Crush? Aidin Quinn's character in "Desparately Seeking Susan"... Can't remember the name but those EYES!!! yum

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